Bahkan, jika aku tak mampu berucap, apa hatimu mampu membaca gelagatku?

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

A Little Conversation

06.53 Posted by Unknown No comments

Apa ya? Eum... Here's just a little conversation between us. Hi, there. I miss you. Should I lie to you? I don't want to miss you. But, my heart did.

Monday, October 28th 2013

“Hari ini maafan ya? Salaman dulu atuh biar afdol”


”Tapi kemaren mah aku bercanda marahnya”

”Gapapa da aku mah beneran”

”Oh gitu? Aku lebih beneran”

”Ih kan.”

”Apa? Marahan lagi ya, 3 hari. Berarti hari Kamis baru baikan lagi.”

”Apa? Kenapa?”

*madep depan*

”Apa kabar hari ini?”


”Ngga akan nanya balik nih?”

”Ngga. Aku tau kamu jauh lebih baik“

”Eum... never been better without you

”Naon atuh”

”Bikinin aku kata-kata dong, hadiah ulang tahun ih.”

”Ngga mau”

”Atuh please




”Hai, Haw.”


”Awas Haw pindah ih”


*semenit kemudian*

”Haw ih awas haaw”

”Naon sih? Udah disitu aja kenapa sih?”

”Atuh Haw”



”Gimana sama yang barunya, Haw?”

”Ngga perlu nanya ke aku dulu deh. Sekarang kamu tanya sama diri kamu sendiri”

”Aku mah baik-baik aja”

”Ya kalo kamu baik-baik aja, aku lebih baik lah dari kamu. Masa kamu baik-baik aja sedangkan aku ngga? Ogah. Hahaha”

”Oh gitu?”


”Ih kamu smsan sama siapa?”

”Yang baru dong”

”Oh gitu? Jangan smsan ih aku cemburu.”

”Naon atuh”


*ngajak yang lain makan*

”Mau dong di suapin sama kamu”


”Atuh ih jahat. Atuuuuuh mau di suapin”

”Ngga mau”



“Sekarang jam berapa?”

”Eum....... Jam 6”

”Pasti sebentar lagi ada yang galau terus marah-marah gera”

”Ya atuh da aku juga galau karena kamu kali”


Hahaha. I miss you. What should I do now?

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Move... On? Yes!!=)))

01.38 Posted by Unknown No comments

Ini terinspirasi dari tulisan di bawah wks... Gue mau move on guys! Semoga yang ini ga kayak yg dulu, gak harkos juga, amiiin!
Terimakasih kadonya, shen! Much love, mwah

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

A Letter For You 7 : Trying to let you go. Should I?

22.01 Posted by Unknown No comments

Hey, you. I just hoping this is not the last letters I write for you. I found someone who makes me feel better. But, I miss you, sometimes. I'm not give up on you. I just trying not to care all about you and open my heart for the others. I just trying to let you go, even though I know, that's not easy. Maybe sometimes we can meet at the good time once again, v. I'll not say good bye. But, see you next time. I will try to let you go like you let me go.

See you next time, v. I love you, as always.


Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

A Letter For You 6 : Worst Feelings Ever!

04.16 Posted by Unknown No comments

How are you? Fine? I hope you will always fine, there. Huh. Don't you know I always think of you? Don't you feel that? I don't know what should I do now, dearest. My heart feel so bad. Really, it's a worst feeling ever when I know that your heart was never feel me anymore. Why can't I do the same thing like you did to me? Why can't I let you go like you let me go when I am too in love with you?

I'm just a human with no ability to move on, from you. I'm just a stupid girl who can't move on from you. I'm just a woman who always stay on the way that can make me hurt. Yes, I don't care if I was hurting my heart, if it can make you happy, I will do that. But, don't go from my life. I don't care if you don't have the same feel anymore. I just care about you, not my self. Yes you. Just you. Don't force me to forget or erase you from my life. Because, I can't and I don't want to do that, v.

Thank you for inspiring me and my life. I'm so happy to know you and be with you, even though for a short time.

”Bukannya aku hendak mengeluh, hanya saja terlalu sebentar kau di sini.” — B.J.Habibie

Do you understand, v?


Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

A Letter For You 5 : Do you still feel the same?

01.25 Posted by Unknown No comments

There's just a little bit conversation between us. Don't you miss me? Don't you miss to talk to me?

It's hard to let people go, like you. Three months gone but I'm still stuck on you. Funny isn't it? I can't erase you, also the memories we have got.

How are you there? Are you fine without me? Haha. Maybe, you see me that I can smile even though you left me, I can be happy even though you're not there. I am tired of this drama. Don't you know? I am crying inside at the night and feel so lost when I realize, I'm not yours anymore.

Do you still feel the same? Or am I the only one who still feel the same?
